Friday, 24 February 2017



I wish to thank the many family members, friends and professional historians and archivists who have assisted me in various ways whilst writing this blog.
  • The late Arthur Parker Adams, who kept the letters and papers and memorabilia of his two younger brothers who gave their lives in WW1, and to Arthur's son...
  • The late Harold John Parker Adams, who kept these archives after Arthur died in 1955 until his own death in 2007.
  • James Renwick and other members of my family - for their patience and encouragement.
  • Harold and George Clapham who shared WW1 photos and photographed other memorabilia for me to upload onto the blog.
  • Dizzy Carlyon who provided a silver napkin ring which belonged to Athol G. Adams.
  • Charlie and Annie Maslin for their encouragement and support.
  • David A J Parker (keeper of the Parker family archives).
  • The Melbourne Grammar School.
  • Philip Powell, Wesley College, Melbourne (archives and history).
  • David Perkins, The Australian Society of World War 1 Aero Historians.
  • The Australian War Memorial.
  • The Australian National Archives.
  • The Melbourne Cricket Club.
  • Athol Clapham (nee Adams) who shared her memories and stories of her father, AP Adams.
26 February 2017

This is the last Blog Post
Thank you for following Athol's story


  1. Hello, I check your blog regularly. Your writing style is awesome, keep doing what you're doing!

  2. Hello Sarah, I enjoyed reading your blog. I would be interested in corresponding with you about the RFC and ICC, something I have been researching for many years.


I would be delighted if you would like to share your thoughts...