Sunday, 22 May 2016

Unit War Diary - 22 May 1916 - some difficult characters

Captain R. Dyott replaced Athol as the Officer Commanding the 2nd Camel Company, ICC, on 19 May 1916. It appears that a military unit of this size required a Captain rather than a Lieutenant in command. Athol, a Lieutenant, was only 21 years of age in May 1916.

Capt Dyott wrote a detailed report to the ICC commander on 22 May 1916 and his reports can be found in the Australian War Memorial's unit diary. Soon after arriving, Capt Dyott notes:
'...things are running as smoothly as one could expect under the circumstances. Lieut Adams was doing his best to cope with a difficult situation. There is a certain amount of personal feeling among the officers due to his being, I should imagine, one of the youngest of the section officers, and he is lacking a really efficient sergeant major.'

Reference: Australian War Memorial unit diary:
Title: AWM4 11/11/1 PART 1 - January - August 1916 at Page: 31.

I was wondering what Capt Dyott meant by 'under the circumstances'. The Unit War Diary, in an entry written by Capt Dyott on 3 June 1916, gives the reader an appreciation:
'I have had several bad cases of disobedience, obscene language and even violence to N.C.Os this week. I have one court martial pending, and have applied for another. At the General's request I have forwarded to him a list of men who cannot be trusted to carry out patrol work without breaking out into ... He has promised me to do his best to have them removed to their units. Our Imperial Corps should not possess such men as these. They do incalculable harm by their treatment of the natives.'
Reference as above at p.51.

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