This letter is not in my collection but forms part of the 2nd Camel Company Unit Diary available at the Australian War Memorial collection at page 10 of this document:
Dear Major Smith,
Captain Parker will no doubt have explained to you before
you get this, the circumstances relating to my taking over the command of this
Captain Parker also told me that he had given you full
details to date of our work etc.
Our strength today is 4 officers, 112 O.R. (other ranks). Two
or three of the men in hospital are likely to be out in a day or two so our
present need of reinforcements is 1 officer, 1 batman and 10 men. Two of the
Sgts, Jenkins and Young are in hospital, which is the best place for them.
I am forwarding today recommendations for Commissions in
reply to C32. Cpl Clemens of No4 Section is the best of the lot I think. It
would suit me if he got his star. L-Cpl Forrest is about the next best.
The camels are in pretty poor condition but as we have had a
week’s spell they have started to pick up a bit. Today I sent them out under
Nicholson for exercise and, during the half way rest, they had about half an
hour’s grazing which is very scarce round here. There are a good many sick
camels on the sick lines. I’m enclosing a list of medicines required. Also
please send a good supply of ‘crena’ for the saddles as we cannot get this from
Ordnance. Our vet reports that of the nine sick camels in his charge 2 will be
fit within a week while the other 7 will be from 3 to 10 weeks before they can
be used. The remainder, he says, could be used at once, but would be all the
better for a spell.
So our needs in remounts, to bring us up to establishment,
are 17. Our present strength being 143. Two
of these should be pack animals.
Six camels have had mange but are all on the improve and
three appear to practically free.
The rest are in very good condition.
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