Saturday, 25 October 2014

Aerogram - 25 October 1914

On 25th October 1914 the following letter was sent by A.G. Adams to his mother who was then staying at the Oriental Hotel, Collins Street, Melbourne.

The text of the aerogram is as follows:

We’ve had a beautiful trip so far. It has been quite calm all the time. Only a very few have been sea sick, and hardly any of our own chaps. I have Jack Newham in my cabin with me; they only allowed for 5 Sgts per company, so I took Jack in & Norm. Marshall went in with the junior Sgt. We mess in the 2nd saloon and the food is A.1. The troops mess and sleep in messes of from 10 to 16. We have 7 messes, each in charge of a non. com. or senior private. They have very good food and are all very happy so far. We reach Albany some time tomorrow morning. I’ve seen Col. Ryan and Major White, both wanted to know how I was doing. Dick Casey is on board as a Lieut. in the Automobile Corps. That crowd are all officers or batmen so there’s not much in that. The fruit is being issued to all the troops as it showed signs of not keeping very well.  Ben Levers is on board as Med. Off to the Engineers. Peter Schuler is on as press rep. The Melbourne passed us yesterday, going past like a motor passes a tram. We have only seen one other ship which we passed going the same way as ourselves. I suppose we’ll pick the rest of the troopers up at Albany. There’s not much more.
Yours lovingly    Athol

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