Sunday, 14 September 2014

School badges

These Melbourne Grammar School badges were awarded to A.G. Adams for various extra curricular activities.

Top row:

(Left) School Cadet Matches 1908 Junior
(Right) School Cadet Matches 1908 Junior.
These badges are marked STG Silv (sterling silver).

Bottom row:

  1. WR (?) competition 1908.
  2. Jubilee badge 1858-1908.
  3. No engraving on the middle badge.
  4. 50 yrds champion under 16, 2nd. and on the reverse MCEGS swimming 1910. This badge is marked STG Silv (sterling silver).
  5. High dive under 14.
In 'War Services Old Melburnians, 1914-1918', ed. B. Kiddle, 1923', the obituary notice states that 
"Athol Gladwyn Adams .... was a prefect, in the crew and athletic team in 1912, and in the football teams of 1911 and 1912. He was a most popular boy." 
Football in Melbourne = Australian Football or Aussie Rules.

There are other trophies awarded to A.G. Adams but they are not available to be photographed at this stage.

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