Monday, 27 June 2016

27 June 1916 - official Army record

Athol's Service Record, held with the Australian National Archives in Canberra, notes that Athol was transferred to the Australian Flying Corps on 27 June 1916. This is an extract of those records:

I know this is a little feint. However, it records Athol's transfer from the Imperial Camel Corps to the No.1 Sq. AFC on 27 June 1916. Officially he is 'attached' to this unit at this stage.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Unit War Diary - 18 June 1916 - Athol departs from Sollum

A brief note in the Unit War Diary records that Athol departed the Sollum garrison on Sunday 18 June 1916. He set out for Abbassia (just north of Cairo) with batman Private Ferguson.

Reference: Australian War Memorial unit diary:
Title: AWM4 11/11/1 PART 1 - January - August 1916 at Page: 67.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Letter - 7 June 1916 - swimming and boxing

This letter is very faded as there was something the matter with the ink. Athol receives more parcels with chocolate, a tin of food, light shirts and two bundles of socks for the men. The weather is hot but they managed to organise a sports weekend with boxing and swimming.


Dear Mother,

Many thanks for your No.47 (4.4.16). Also for two bundles of socks for the men and a tin of food and parcel of clothes for myself. The light shirts are A1.

I sent you two snaps taken here, one of the Company and me and one of a part of the camp, about a week ago. [See Blog Post 3 June 2016].

I came in off the desert last Thursday after doing about 100 miles and seeing nothing. The biggest part of the Company is off to a place about 30 miles SE to stop for a fortnight or 3 weeks. I'm stopping here to look after the camp luckily as there will be nothing doing down there and it will be very hot and no chance of a swim.

I have been censoring for nearly two hours and so I'm a bit fed up with letters.

You don't want to worry about ... as this child is perfectly happy and doesn't want to be a general. I'm getting a lot of useful and varied experience one way and another and hope to get more soon.

We are having swimming sports on Monday, boxing competitions on Friday and Saturday and ... a competition Sunday so we're going to be pretty busy this weekend.

I don't know what has happened to the ink but hope you will be able to read this.

I got a double lot of chocolate yesterday - thanks very much. I haven't had many letters lately. I expect that some of them still go to the battalion. [The Battalion was in France].

It is pretty warm here nowadays but after another 8 or 9 weeks it ought to begin to cool off a bit. Hope I'm not here that long though.

My love to Puff and Pater,

Yours lovingly


Friday, 3 June 2016

Photographs - 3 June 1916 - Sollum garrison and more camels

Athol sends home to mother two photographs - one of the 2nd Company, ICC and the other of the garrison at Sollum.

This photograph is measures 10cm x 6cm. It is quite grainy, in a sepia tone and not clear at all. Athol notes on the reverse:
'No2 Coy ICC on Parade. Taken by a major R.A.M.C. The same day as other one. Me in front. Capt Phillips Coastguards standing. Athol G Adams Sollum 3-6-16'.

This photograph measures 10cm x 6cm. It is quite grainy, in a sepia tone, but a little clearer than the former. Athol notes on the reverse:
'Sollum looking SW from near Garrison H.Q. in early days of occupation. Our camp is about as far again as the houses on sea-shore right top corner. Taken by Lt Dunlap 1/2 Kent RE. Athol G Adams, Sollum, 3-6-16.'

There is a lot of detail in this photograph. I can make out bell tents, a large number of horses, the jetty, a few meters of railway line, dirt road in foreground, tracks going up the hills in the distance, a number of men in uniform, and a few local people. Perhaps the date on the edge of the photo in white hand-writing gives a date: 25 Jan 1916.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Unit War Diary - 2 June 1916 - Numbers of men and camels

As at 2 June 1916, the 2nd Company, Imperial Camel Corps, was comprised of 5 officers, 115 other ranks and 138 camels.

This is the record of the exact details of the unit's strength in the Unit War Diary at p.58.

Reference: Australian War Memorial unit diary:
Title: AWM4 11/11/1 PART 1 - January - August 1916 at page: 58.